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淡水海水浴場-SB18:34.11.29 1934 紙本鉛筆 12.5×18.5cm 私人收藏
Tamsui Beach-SB18: 34.11.29 1934 Pencil on paper 12.5×18.5 cm Private collection.
淡水海水浴場-SB18:34.11.29 1934年 紙、鉛筆 12.5×18.5cm 個人蔵
On a winter day at Hobe, Chen Cheng-po breathed the icy cold air when the gusty north winds hit the Tamsui River estuary. With a pencil rising up and down like waves, for one flashing instant, he completed the landscape sketch with simple lines—a fog shrouding the mountainside in a thin shadow, and the tide surging silently over the riverbank and the footprints of travelers. A lonely figure stands on the beach, looking silently at the Tamsui River and Guanyin Mountain without the glow of the sunset.
冬天的淡水海濱人影稀疏,若是夏日時節來到海水浴場,這幅速寫的內容,想必要變得熱鬧不少──孩子們踩踏著河口的軟泥,在暖洋洋的水裡嬉戲。大人們則坐在一旁的飲食店裡吃著西瓜,悠閒地遠眺遠山、長河與落日。 一群中學生逕自跳進了海浪裡,好似要追逐河面上的帆船。如果是周三下午,陳澄波還可能遇見出身淡水的醫學博士杜聰明,那時他總要帶著女兒來玩水,還要撿拾一袋蛤蜊回家煮湯……
In winter, few people will come to the seaside at Tamsui. If a painter visits the bathing beach in summer, his sketch is presumably bustling with activity—children treading soft mud of the estuary and playing in the warm waters. At a nearby eating house, the adults, leisurely and carefree, sit eating watermelon and looking far into the distant mountain, the broad river, and the sunset.1 A group of high-school students jump audaciously into the waves, as if to catch the sailboat on the river. If it was a Wednesday afternoon, Chen Cheng-po might bump into Tu Tsung-ming, a Doctor of Medicine from Tamsui Town, who used to bring his daughter to play in the waters, pick up clams, and return home with a bag of clams to make soup….2
淡水海水浴場的一切設施,大約從1903年以後開始次第建設起來。 夏天,許多臺北人來到淡水,就是為了享受海水浴場的沁涼快意與美麗風景。機關學校與民間團體,也喜歡在這裡舉辦教育講習、遠足會等各類活動。中秋節到了,甚至有專門的「觀月列車」載運遊客前來淡水,漫步到沙灘上來賞月。
After 1903, the facilities of Tamsui Bathing Beach were constructed one after another.3 In summer, large crowds of Taipei citizens would travel to Tamsui, mainly to enjoy the refreshing pleasure and beautiful scenery at the beach. Besides, institutions, schools, and private organizations liked to hold activities here, such as excursion and short-term instruction or training. During the Mid-autumn Festival, there were special “Moon-watching Trains” carrying tourists to Tamsui to stroll on the beach and watch the moon.4
Since the post-war period, the government’s establishment of coast defense has forced Tamsui Bathing Beach to close. In addition, with the urban development of Taipei, the Tamsui River has become foul. Fewer and fewer people will walk into the picturesque scene depicted by Chen Cheng-po, to allow the river surge over their feet.
In The Ripples Across the Tamsui River, a novella written by the distinguished scholar Wang Chang-hsiung, a boatman named A-chuan learned to draw paintings. One day, A-chuan took his admired girl to come to the sandbar by boat. On the sandbar, seized by a surge of excitement, A-chuan picked up his sketchbook and started to draw the girl’s looks on the paper.

  • 瀏覽人次:268 人
  • 更新日期:2023-07-12